Los Angeles, CA
Chief Operating Officer
m/Oppenheim Associates is assisting the Connected Learning Alliance in the search for its Chief Operating Officer. The complete position description can be found here, and additional information can be found at www.clalliance.org.
Developed through facilitation with educators and researchers at the Digital Media and Learning (DML) Hub, incubated by New Venture Fund and funded by the MacArthur Foundation, the Connected Learning Alliance (CLA) was formed to provide coordination, online infrastructure, and governance structures for an alliance of organizations and projects dedicated to the spread and scale of “connected learning” – when one pursues knowledge and expertise around something they care deeply about, supported by friends and institutions who share and recognize this common passion or purpose. It’s real-world, social, hands-on, active, networked, personal and effective. The Connected Learning Alliance is pursuing strategic objectives designed to provide the leadership, vision and coordination needed to move connected learning from an R&D phase to one that is sustained and institutionalized, as well as taken up through a diverse range of organizations and practices. The CLA is an innovative new start-up and requires leadership that is both visionary and hands-on.
The Chief Operating Officer will be responsible for developing an organizational structure and operations for the CLA, with guidance from the Governance Board and together with CLA management and staff. The COO will operationalize the strategic objectives of the CLA, and will be responsible for the day-to-day oversight. Specifically, the COO will have operational responsibility for governance, budget management, staffing, contracting and project management. He/she will function as a member of the CLA senior management team which includes a technical director and communications director, will serve as liaison to CLA’s partners, and will report to the CLA’s Governance Board to keep them abreast of programmatic strategies and challenges.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual with extensive program or nonprofit management experience to grow and scale a new organization for social impact. Experience in sectors related to connected learning, including education, technology, youth development or philanthropy is highly desired, as is excellence in organizational management. To apply, email Lisa Grossman or Dave Santore at info@moppenheim.com