Nancy Deutsch, who is one of our m/Oppenheim.TV viewers wrote this note that we would like to share with you:
I was delighted to view the recent mOppenheim.TV video of Emily Jones of the Putney School speaking about progressive education goals for students that include helping them to develop into “good citizens.”
During high school summers in the 1960’s, I attended Putney Summer Work Camp and learned from its wonderful counselors the value of contributing to the whole community by harvesting hay, working in the dining room and through other large and small acts. Every weekend we went on hikes around the area, shared campfire stories and grew to be dedicated team players who cared for each other and contributed to the common good. The culmination of our summer experience was an 8 day hike through the mountains in New Hampshire and Maine where I discovered I could carry a 40 lb backpack and keep on truckin’!. It was a rare opportunity to be a productive member of a vital community while also learning about the world and myself.
Such experiences play a major role in personal growth. The interview with Emily Jones makes it clear that Putney has not changed in important ways over the last 50+ years, and we can all learn some essential lessons from places like the Putney School. Thank you for introducing me to one of our fine nonprofit leaders.
Nancy Deutsch is a marketing professional and nonprofit volunteer who has supported Hadassah, Huntington’s Disease Society of America, and the NY Regional Association of Grantmakers.
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